Contact Details and Location

Principal:Mr L. Glees
Chair of Governors:Mr Russell Willmer
Academy Address:City of London Academy Islington, Prebend Street, Islington London, N1 8PQ
Telephone: 020 7226 8611
Fax:020 7226 9363 
DFE Number:2066906
Type of School:Academy
Age Range: 11-19

If you would like to know more, you are very welcome to contact us and arrange a visit. We are always pleased to show visitors around the Academy, so that they can meet students and staff. 

For general enquiries, you can contact the Academy during the following times: (8:00am-4:30pm, Mon-Fri).

Queries from parents, carers and members of the public should be addressed to The Principal.

Queries regarding specific students should be directed to their Head of year:

  • Year 7 – Mr Abel
  • Year 8 – Mr Shoobridge
  • Year 9 – Mr Noutch
  • Year 10 – Ms Dear
  • Year 11 – Mr Smith
  • Sixth Form – Ms Gaunt

The Chair of Governors, Mr Russell Willmer, can be contacted through the Academy.

We are proud to be part of the

Paper copies of information provided on our website can be requested via the school office. 

City of London Academy Islington

Prebend Street | Islington | N1 8PQ

Telephone: 020 7226 8611

Registered in England: No 6426966, City of London Academy Islington Limited is a Registered Charity no: 1121962